Sophie Levi

Sea (Normandy), 2004

This painting was made in 2004, in Grandcamp-
Maisy, Normandy, a fishing town in an area often visited as a site of the D-Day landings.

The buildings and landscape are austere and the coastline is sodden with a sense of lives lost.

I chose 'The Sea' view for the sweep and contrast between the tangled houses, and their proximity to the wide green sea, and the black jetty.

When I started to paint the tide was high. By the afternoon the sea was out and dozens of tiny figures were collecting mussels.

The swimmers' raft which had been rocking on the waves was settled on the sand and the grab handles atop the pole were now out of reach - its seaweed covered length showed how deep the water had been.

The wind blew the sand into my paint.

In Normandy I found a new way of working which combined my painting and drawing, inspired by the juxtaposition of the broad breathing space of the sea and the crowded houses on the shoreline.  

Since then I have been attracted to scenes where I can relate man-made to natural elements. I am working in the same extended landscape format, which encompasses the turn of the head through 240 degrees.

all images © Sophie Levi 2007